Chapter 1: LOTM - Legends of the Mara

We created Otherside Renting knowing that giving Legends of the Mara players more options and flexibility had the potential to make the game exponentially more fun. Our Chapter 1 rewards have the same goal.

The Zharta Points system was created to reward our users, attract new ones, incentivize fair listing and renting behavior, and add a new and enjoyable gamification layer to Otherside Renting and LOTM.

Now, by renting, you stand to not only increase your LOTM performance and earn more loot but to earn our rewards on top of the in-game ones. Conversely, those renting out their assets can earn rewards for their role in helping out other players.


The Leaderboard ranks users by how many Zharta Points they’ve earned on a rolling 24-hour basis.

This system promotes a fairer, more level playing field. Since the Leaderboard only takes the points earned during the previous 24-hour period into account, users get the opportunity to make it to the top daily, without having to compete against those who, perhaps because they got started earlier, have accumulated a seemingly insurmountable amount of points.

Users who make it to the top 20 of the Leaderboard will be awarded a Rank Boost. Check out Boosts to learn more.

If two or more users competing for a spot in the Leaderboard have the same number of points, the tie will be broken in favor of the one with the most active rentals. If that number is also identical, the one with the most historical rentals will win.

How to earn points

Users can earn points by renting assets or each time other players rent assets they’ve listed. In addition, both performing well in LOTM and making it to the top 20 of Zharta’s Leaderboard will earn users point boosts, which act as multipliers for earned points.

Points are distributed at the end of each 24-hour period, at the same time the Leaderboard is updated.


The amount of points you’ll earn per rental depends on its duration and asset type. Renting a Weapon Koda, for example, will give you more points than renting a basic one.

You’ll receive points for your rentals every 24 hours, according to the rental time that occurred within that time frame.

If, for example, you have a month-long, ongoing rental, you’ll receive 24 hours' worth of that rental’s points at the end of each day. If, instead, your rental began at the fourth hour of that period, or ended at the twentieth, you’ll receive 20 hours' worth of points.


As an owner, you’ll earn points every time one of your assets is rented. Merely creating listings won’t generate any points. This is meant to encourage fair and competitive listing conditions.

The value you’ll earn per rental will depend on its duration and the asset type. Renting out a Koda, for example, will earn you more points than a Mara.

You’ll receive points for your rentals every 24 hours, according to the rental time that occurred within that time frame.


Boosts work as point multipliers, augmenting the points you earn through renting and listing.

There are two, stackable boosts you can earn: the Rank Boost and the LOTM Boost.

The Rank Boost is dependent on your placement on the Zharta Leaderboard.

Every day, users ranked within the top 20 receive a boost. Those 20 spots are divided into 4 tiers, with higher tiers receiving better boosts.

The LOTM Boost is directly linked to your in-game performance in Legends of the Mara, regardless of whether you rent or list in Zharta. We evaluate two key metrics: damage dealt and fragments harvested. Engaging in either farming or hunting Shattered will contribute to improving your LOTM performance rating.

LOTM Boosts are awarded each day to the top 20 players in our internal LOTM ranking. Those 20 spots are also divided into 4 tiers, with higher tiers receiving better boosts.

Both these Boosts are applied at the end of the day, when the Leaderboard is updated, multiplying the points you earned during the previous 24 hours.

Point Utility

On the date of the TGE, you will receive a Zharta Token airdrop determined by the points earned during the season.

Exploits, wash renting, and other types of misconduct

We reserve the right to invalidate any points earned through any kind of dishonest activity – be it exploits, wash renting, or others.

Last updated