Zharta Lending Offer

Instant, flexible Peer-to-Pool Loans and Tailored Peer-to-Peer Deals

Our primary NFT-backed lending service consists of instant loans facilitated by a Peer-to-Pool model. Additionally, we've expanded our services by introducing a Tailored Deals option, designed for situations where instant loans may not be suitable.

Below, we'll go over how our Instant Loans work and the features that make them unique. To learn more about Tailored deals instead, click here.

Borrowers only pay interest accrued during the actual duration of the loan (Pro-Rata APR), regardless of the selected Loan Period. See the APR section for calculation support.

Instant Loans

By combining our Pro-Rata APR, Multi-Tier, and Trait Boosts features, Zharta offers some of the most flexible loan conditions available in Peer-to-Pool lending.

Check the Loan Conditions section in the app for the latest information.

Zharta Loan Offer

Multi-Tier Loans

7, 30 and 90 days



Appraisal Model

Floor Price with Trait Boosts for Rare/Grail NFTs


Based on Zharta Risk Model with automatic LTV adjustments

Pro-Rata APR

Based on Zharta Risk Model


The interest rate is the amount a lender charges a borrower for lending his capital.

The APR (Annual Percentage Rate) is the yearly interest generated by a sum. In other words, the APR is the yearly cost of the loan, calculated as a percentage of the sum borrowed.

When a borrower uses more than one NFT as collateral, the Loan APR is derived from the collateral-weighted average APR:

LoanAPR=c=0CCVcAPRcc=0CCVcLoan^{APR} = \frac{\sum_{c = 0}^{C}CV_c*APR_c}{\sum_{c = 0}^{C}CV_c}

Pro-Rata APR

Our Pro-Rata feature allows borrowers to pay only for the time they've used until repayment (with a minimum of 7 days). In other words, if they repay early, they will pay less.

Example: Simulation of three alternative repayment dates of a 30-day maturity loan with 30 ETH principal and 27% APR:

  • Repayment day 3 => Interest = (7 / 365) x 27% x 30 ETH = 0.1553 ETH

  • Repayment day 15 => Interest = (15 / 365) x 27% x 30 ETH = 0.3328 ETH

  • Repayment day 30 => Interest = (30 / 365) x 27% x 30 ETH = 0.6657 ETH


Our Multi-Tier feature allows Borrowers to choose different APR and LTV combinations according to a maximum loan period. The shorter the period, the higher the APR and LTV, and vice versa.

We structured our three tiers with specific borrower goals in mind. The fast-paced 7-day tier is designed to allow borrowers to extract maximum value from their NFTs over a short period while charging a higher APR. This option might be ideal for flippers with limited assets, for example. On the other hand, the 90-day tier offers a lower LTV while being considerably more cost-effective, presenting a good opportunity for borrowers with long-term prospects and enough collateral to easily attain the value they need.

Thanks to our pro-rata pricing, borrowers can, for example, leverage the lowest APR provided by the 90-day tier while paying only 7 days' worth of interest by repaying the loan early.

Together, these two features enable borrowers to mix and match options to find the combination that best suits their needs.

Appraisal Model with Trait Boosts

Zharta's Appraisal Model relies on a combination of Floor Prices and Trait Boosts to assess the value of collections and individual NFTs.

The Floor Price is an industry-standard metric for valuing a particular NFT collection. It corresponds to the lowest listed price for any item from that collection on various marketplaces.

Currently, our primary source for this critical data is Reservoir, which aggregates information from some of the most widely-used NFT marketplaces, including OpenSea, LooksRare, Rarible, Blur, and more (you can refer to the complete list here). In addition to Reservoir, our system draws from four other data sources, ensuring robustness and real-time accuracy. This approach guarantees that our valuation system remains reliable and continually up-to-date.

Trait Boosts are selectively applied to specific traits within a given NFT collection, typically coinciding with the rarer and more valuable traits. Consequently, NFTs with these traits command a higher value.

The valuation of these rarer NFTs is calculated by multiplying the Floor Price of their collection by the boost factor associated with their most valuable trait. Conversely, ‘common’ NFTs within the collection are valued at the collection’s standard Floor Price.

Trait Boosts are available for the following NFT collections:

  • Cryptopunks

  • Bored Ape Yacht Club

  • Art Blocks: Chromie Squiggle

  • Art Blocks: Fidenza

  • Wolf Game

For additional details about the Floor Prices and Trait Boosts applicable to the supported collections, please refer to the Loan Conditions section in the app.


The Loan-To-Value (LTV) ratio is a financial metric used to express the relationship between the value of the loan and that of the underlying asset.

For each supported NFT collection, the LTV is determined based on our internal Risk Model. This model takes into consideration various factors, including the risk profile of each NFT collection, its price volatility across different timeframes, and prevailing conditions in both the lending and secondary markets. By factoring in these elements, our model dynamically adjusts the LTV to reflect the most up-to-date market conditions for a specific NFT collection. This ensures that all our loans are risk-adjusted in real time.

When a borrower uses more than one NFT as collateral, the Loan LTV is derived from the collateral-weighted average LTV. The Collateral Value (CV) for each NFT is determined using the Appraisal Model we described previously.

LoanLTV=c=0CCVcLTVcc=0CCVcLoan^{LTV} = \frac{\sum_{c = 0}^{C}CV_c*LTV_c}{\sum_{c = 0}^{C}CV_c}

Example: Bundle loan with two assets as collateral from different NFT collections

  • Collateral Value: BAYC = 60 ETH , MAYC = 15 ETH

  • Loan LTV = (60 x 55% + 15 x 50%) / (60 + 15) = 54%

Last updated